Showing 1101 - 1125 of 2,212 Results
10 Sermons Preached by That Late Learned and Rev. Divine John Donne, Doctor in Divinity, Onc... by Donne, John, Keynes, Geoffrey ISBN: 9781294621355 List Price: $22.75
Love Poems of John Donne : Selected and Ed. by Charles Eliot Norton - Primary Source Edition by Norton, Charles Eliot, Donn... ISBN: 9781295526604 List Price: $19.75
Posie by John Donne, Robert Ellrodt ISBN: 9782110813145
Poems of John Donne, from the Text of the Edition of 1633 Revised by James Russell Lowell. w... by Donne, John 1572-1631, Grol... ISBN: 9781372223976 List Price: $26.95
Poems of John Donne, from the Text of the Edition of 1633 Revised by James Russell Lowell. w... by Donne, John 1572-1631, Grol... ISBN: 9781372223969 List Price: $16.95
Poems of John Donne; Volume 1 by Donne, John 1572-1631, Grie... ISBN: 9781372398001 List Price: $29.95
Poems of John Donne; Volume 1 by Donne, John 1572-1631, Grie... ISBN: 9781372397998 List Price: $20.95
Lives of Dr. John Donne; Sir Henry Wotton; Mr. Richard Hooker; Mr. George Herbert; and Dr. R... by Walton, Izaak 1593-1683, Zo... ISBN: 9781372442049 List Price: $31.95
Lives of Dr. John Donne; Sir Henry Wotton; Mr. Richard Hooker; Mr. George Herbert; and Dr. R... by Walton, Izaak 1593-1683, Zo... ISBN: 9781372442032 List Price: $22.95
Poetical Works of Dr. John Donne, with a Memoir by Donne, John 1572-1631, Walt... ISBN: 9781372551314 List Price: $19.95
Poetical Works of Dr. John Donne, with a Memoir by Donne, John 1572-1631, Walt... ISBN: 9781372551321 List Price: $29.95
Izaak Walton's Lives of John Donne, Henry Wotton, Richard Hooker and George Herbert; by Walton, Izaak 1593-1683, Mo... ISBN: 9781372654367 List Price: $22.95
Izaak Walton's Lives of John Donne, Henry Wotton, Richard Hooker and George Herbert; by Walton, Izaak 1593-1683, Mo... ISBN: 9781372654381 List Price: $31.95
Works, with a Memoir of His Life; Volume 6 by Donne, John 1572-1631 ISBN: 9781372881817 List Price: $30.95
Works, with a Memoir of His Life; Volume 6 by Donne, John 1572-1631 ISBN: 9781372881770 List Price: $21.95
Letters to Severall Persons of Honour by Donne, John 1572-1631, Merr... ISBN: 9781372896699 List Price: $17.95
Letters to Severall Persons of Honour by Donne, John 1572-1631, Merr... ISBN: 9781372896705 List Price: $27.95
Poems of John Donne, Volume 2 by Donne, John ISBN: 9781358565908 List Price: $27.95
Bibliography of the Works of Dr. John Donne, Dean of St. Paul's by Keynes, Geoffrey Sir ISBN: 9781360558011 List Price: $24.95
Bibliography of the Works of Dr. John Donne, Dean of St. Paul's by Keynes, Geoffrey Sir ISBN: 9781360558004 List Price: $14.95
Complete Poems. Edited with Pref. Essay on Life and Writings, and Notes; Volume 1 by Donne, John 1572-1631, Gros... ISBN: 9781361032756 List Price: $16.95
Complete Poems. Edited with Pref. Essay on Life and Writings, and Notes; Volume 2 by Donne, John 1572-1631, Gros... ISBN: 9781361033166 List Price: $18.95
Essays in Divinity by Donne, John 1572-1631, Jess... ISBN: 9781362467380 List Price: $26.95
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